Economy Now - USA & India.
The world today is under a very extraordinary situation which no one could have been able to predict. The COVID 19 pandemic, that started around February 2020, had put the world to a standstill and the world being USA centric, USA was impacted very much as well. Though the pandemic brought hell along, it helped companies, governments as well as individuals bring a reality check on many things, especially our finances. Economic condition of USA today. USA being the epicenter of the world trade and capital, was hugely impacted by the pandemic. The stock market had fallen down by 30% approximately. The unemployment went in the range of 20’s and the businesses were shut. But with the recent experience of 2008 recession, the Fed and the US Treasury were prepared with their “Bazooka” of liquidity. With quantitative easing, the Fed instilled a confidence in lenders and investors, thus resulting in today’s stock market rally upwards of 40% from the march low. The Governmen...